Expert Roundtable
Lessons from Ukraine: War and Global Food Security
Event Description (English)
Join PILPG on September 16 from 12 pm to 1 pm ET for a conversation with experts regarding the impact of the Russian war in Ukraine on global food security and the lessons to be learned from the invasion.
On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a full-scale invasion of Ukraine which has thus far led to thousands of civilian deaths, extensive destruction of Ukrainian cities, massive displacement, and a growing food crisis in Ukraine. Russia’s invasion has destroyed critical infrastructure and lands needed for agricultural production and exportation and Russia’s tactics have included the bombing of Ukrainian ports, blocking of exports, and the suspension of vital agricultural operations. Russia and Ukraine are key agricultural producers and among the most important suppliers of fertilizers in the global economy and the recent invasion leaves the global market and many low-income countries vulnerable to soaring food and fuel prices. The World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that the number of "severely food insecure people" doubled from 135 million before the pandemic, to 276 million at the start of 2022 – and the war in Ukraine is expected to drive the number of food insecure people to 323 million by the end of the year.
During this event, our panelists will discuss the impact of Russia's war on global food security, lessons the international community should take away from the crisis, and concrete policy considerations to examine in order to reduce global food insecurity moving forward. This event will be moderated by PILPG Managing Director Milena Sterio.
This event is part of the PILPG Thought Leadership Initiative. The Initiative focuses on prominent international law and international affairs topics and organizes monthly expert roundtables to share expertise and reflections from our work on peace negotiations, post-conflict constitution drafting, and atrocity crimes prosecution. This expert roundtable is part of our Ukraine Series, a series which aims to discuss recent developments in the Ukraine-Russia war, ponder complex legal questions related to those developments, and inform audiences of important international legal principles. As part of this series, PILPG holds expert roundtables every other Friday from 12-1 pm Eastern Time.
Приєднуйтесь до PILPG 16 вересня з 19:00 до 20:00 за Київським часом для експертної дискусії щодо впливу російської війни в Україні на глобальну продовольчу безпеку та уроків, що мають бути винесені з повномасштабного вторгнення.
24 лютого 2022 року президент росії Владімір Путін віддав наказ про повномасштабне вторгнення в Україну, що призвело до тисяч загиблих мирних жителів, масового знищення українських міст, масового примусового переміщення людей та наростаючої продовольчої кризи. Російське вторгнення призвело до знищення критично важливих об’єктів інфраструктури та пошкодження земель, важливих для ведення сільського господарства та експорту. Тактика росії включала бомбардування українських портів, блокування експорту та призупинення життєво важливих сільськогосподарських операцій. Росія та Україна є ключовими виробниками сільськогосподарської продукції та одними з найважливіших постачальників добрив у світовій економіці, а нещодавнє вторгнення робить глобальний ринок і багато країн з низьким рівнем доходу вразливими до різкого зростання цін на продовольство та паливо. За оцінками Всесвітньої продовольчої програми (WFP), кількість «людей з гострою нестачею їжі» подвоїлася з 135 мільйонів до пандемії до 276 мільйонів на початку 2022 року, і очікується, що війна в Україні збільшить кількість людей, які не мають продовольчої безпеки, до 323 млн до кінця року.
Під час цього заходу наші учасники дискусії обговорять вплив російської війни в Україні на глобальну продовольчу безпеку, уроки, які міжнародне співтовариство має винести, і конкретні політичні міркування, які дозволять зміцнити глобальну продовольчу безпеку в майбутньому. Модеруватиме захід Керуюча директорка PILPG Мілена Стеріо.
Цей захід є частиною Ініціативи лідерства думок PILPG. Ініціатива зосереджується на яскравих темах міжнародного права та міжнародних відносин та включає щомісячні круглі столи експертів для обміну досвідом та думками на різні теми щодо мирних переговорів, постконфліктного врегулювання та переслідування воєнних злочинців. Цей експертний круглий стіл є частиною Української серії PILPG, метою якої є обговорення останніх подій під час російського вторгнення в Україну, розгляд складних правових питань, пов’язаних із вторгненням, та інформування аудиторії про важливі міжнародно-правові принципи. У рамках цієї серії PILPG проводить круглі столи експертів кожну другу п’ятницю з 19:00 до 20:00 за Київським часом.
Olga Shevchenko
Olga Shevchenko holds the position of Deputy Head of State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection. Her educational background is veterinary medicine and she has a professional background in veterinary medicine, food safety and international trade for 10 years. She is on the mission as a government representative to facilitate market access to the third countries for Ukrainian food producers.
Dr. Andrii Martyn
Prf. Dr. Andrii Martyn is Senior Project Manager for Land Reform of the Office of Reforms of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, doctor of economic sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine; specialist in land policy, land management, land valuation, land cadastre, permit system and land law. He has more than 20 years of work experience in public (design, research and research institutions in the field of land management and land evaluation) and private sectors (legal and engineering consulting). Martyn worked as Deputy Director for Technical Issues of the World Bank Project “Issuance of state acts on land ownership in rural areas and development of the cadastre system” and has developed and co-developed many normative legal acts on land relations. He attended professional training programs in Poland, Germany, France and the USA. He is a certified land surveying and geodetic engineer, appraiser for expert evaluation of land plots, auctioneer for conducting land auctions, and specialist in the sale of state property in the process of privatization.
Mikhail Malkov
Mykhailo Malkov currently serves as the Head of the Agricultural Committee of the Ukrainian Business and Trade Association (UBTA). Malkov is an internationally recognized expert on sustainable development, food systems and the fight against illegal trade with more than 20 years of experience in business and international organizations, including the UN and the OSCE. He is also a United Nations international expert.
Dr. Igor Lukšić
Dr. Igor Lukšić served as Prime Minister of Montenegro from 2010 to 2012,
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and European Integration from 2012 to 2016, Minister of Finance from 2004 to 2010, Member of Parliament of Montenegro from 2001 to 2003, and Member of Parliament of Serbia and Montenegro from 2003 to 2006.
Dr. Luksic stood as an official candidate for the UN Secretary General in 2016 advocating for more efficient and effective use of the UN to respond to the Sustainable Development Goals agenda along with peace operations. He also advocated for the stronger voice of the youth. Dr. Luksic was also part of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader 2013 class.
Dr. Luksic holds a PhD in the economics of transition inspired by the Austrian School of Economics and is an Associate Professor at the University of Donja Gorica Podgorica (powered by Arizona State University).
Spending almost 18 years of his professional career in the public sector and serving in several governmental positions, Luksic was committed to political and economic freedoms and reforms based on rule of law and business friendly environments. Luksic advocated for transparency and put emphasis on dialogue and a proactive approach in both internal and foreign relations.
While Prime Minister of Montenegro Luksic opened accession talks with the EU and completed accession to WTO. When Finance Minister of Montenegro he pursued significant public finance management and tax reforms, obtained the first ever credit rating, sold the first Eurobonds, made significant steps to improve the Doing Business ranking, took part in different projects to attract FDI to the country, and coordinated efforts to implement anti-crisis economic policy during the crisis of 2008-2009. As Foreign Minister Luksic was among the key cabinet members working to meet NATO membership conditions, was crucial in launching the Western Balkans 6 initiative, and set up a new in-house initiative for an economic diplomacy structure within the ministry.
From May 2016 until October 2021 Luksic was with PwC Southeast Europe dealing with the public sector and ESG portfolio. While with PwC Luksic worked on different consultancy projects related to the sustainable development.
Currently Luksic serves on boards and as an advisor for different business and academic entities dealing with sustainable development, business acceleration and impact financing. Luksic is also a Senior Peace Fellow with PILPG.
Amb. Yvette Stevens
Ambassador Stevens has broad and long experience in the United Nations System. An Engineer by training, Ambassador Stevens studied at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute and the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London. She taught Engineering at the University of Sierra Leone for six years, before joining the United Nations in 1980, as a Village Technology Expert in ILO. At United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), she served as an Evaluation Officer and Chief of the Technical Support Section of UNHCR in Geneva, both of which involved thorough analyses of refugee situations in about 30 countries all over the world. She also served UNHCR in Africa, first as Deputy Liaison Representative in Ethiopia (1995 to 1997) and as the UNHCR Representative to Kenya and Somalia (1997 to 1999). In the latter capacity, she acted as the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia on a number of occasions. From 1999 to 2004, she worked as Director in DESA, the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa. Before retirement, she was the United Nations Assistant Emergency Relief Coordinator and Director of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Geneva from 2004 to 2006. After retirement from the UN, between 2006 and 2009, Ambassador Stevens worked as a freelance consultant on humanitarian issues and disaster risk reduction in Africa. She worked as an Energy Policy Adviser to the Government of Sierra Leone from 2009 to 2012 before being appointed as Permanent Representative in Geneva. As Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone, Ambassador Stevens was active, among other things, on human rights issues (including Child Early and Forced Marriage, Persons Living with Albinism, and Women’s Rights); trade (Women and Trade, Trade Assistance to Least Developing Countries); and disarmament (Lethal Autonomous WeaponsSystems). She was a Geneva Gender Champion. She served as chair-rapporteur of the Human Rights Council expert group on Prevention (2019-2020). Ambassador Stevens is also an Executive in Residence at Geneva Center for Security Policy.
Professor Milena Sterio
Milena Sterio is the Managing Director of PILPG and the Charles R. Emrick Jr. - Calfee Halter & Griswold Professor of Law at Cleveland State University’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. She is a leading expert on international law, international criminal law and human rights. Sterio leads PILPG’s Thought Leadership Initiative.
Sterio is one of six permanent editors of the prestigious IntLawGrrls blog, and a frequent contributor to the blog focused on international law, policy and practice. In the spring of 2013, Sterio was selected as a Fulbright Scholar, spending the semester in Baku, Azerbaijan, at Baku State University. While in Baku, she had the opportunity to teach and conduct research on secession issues under international law related to the province of Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh. Serving as a maritime piracy law expert, she has participated in meetings of the United Nations Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia as well as in the work of the United Nations Global Counterterrorism Forum. Sterio has also assisted piracy prosecutions in Mauritius, Kenya and the Seychelles Islands. Sterio is a graduate of Cornell Law School and the University of Paris I, and was an associate in the New York City firm of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton before joining the ranks of academia full time. She has published seven books and numerous law review articles. Her latest book, “The Syrian Conflict’s Impact on International Law,” (co-authored with Paul Williams and Michael Scharf) was published by Cambridge University Press in 2020.