International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
PILPG provided legal assistance to the Office of the Prosecutor for the Yugoslav Tribunal in The Hague.
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
PILPG provided legal assistance to the Office of the Prosecutor for the Rwanda Tribunal in Arusha.
Special Court for Sierra Leone
PILPG provided legal assistance to the Office of the Prosecutor for the Special Court for Sierra Leone.
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
PILPG provided legal assistance to the Office of the Prosecutor for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.
Mauritius Piracy Tribunal
PILPG deployed a team of lawyers to Mauritius to assist in legal work for tribunals on child pirates.
Seychelles Piracy Tribunal
PILPG deployed a team of lawyers to Seychelles to assist in legal work for tribunals on child pirates.
Iraqi High Tribunal
PILPG has provided legal assistance and judicial training to the Iraqi High Tribunal.
Kenya Piracy Court
PILPG provided legal assistance and research assistance to the UN-supported Kenya Piracy Court.
Special Tribunal for Lebanon
PILPG provided legal assistance to the Office of the Prosecutor for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
PILPG provided legal assistance to the Ugandan Government in connection with the development of a special war crimes chamber within the High Court.
International Criminal Court
PILPG provided research assistance to the International Criminal Court.
The Human Rights Documentation Toolkit is a multidisciplinary, interactive online portal providing human rights documenters with existing documentation resources and tools, broadly accepted practices, and ongoing support from other documentation stakeholders. A Consortium of ten organizations, led by the Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG), developed the Human Rights Documentation Toolkit. The Consortium members have extensive experience working across multiple sectors in human rights documentation. The program was supported by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.
Against the background of domestic institutions’ lack of capacity and political will in post-conflict societies to effectively establish criminal justice for war crime and human rights violations committed in the recent past, hybrid tribunals are a crucial mechanism to secure individual criminal responsibility for perpetrators of war crimes and to realize the right to criminal justice for victims. Being a relatively novel mechanism for war crimes prosecution and justice, regulations and strategies of hybrid war crimes tribunals so far have not relied on meaningful participation of victims’ communities and associations. To this end, PILPG joins with four partners to implement a project focused on strengthening participation of civil society organizations representing victims of gross human rights violations during the establishment processes for special criminal tribunals for war crimes committed in four countries: Kosovo, Central African Republic, South Sudan and Sri Lanka.
The cornerstone international document setting the principles and guidelines for reparations of gross human rights violations was adopted in 2005 by the United Nations General Assembly in Resolution 60/147. Ten years since the adoption of this resolution, the Global Initiative for Justice, Truth, and Reconcilation (GIJTR) Consortium, including the Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG), produced an assessment report that evaluates the international framework for reparations for victims of gross human rights violations and the impact of this Resolution on reparation programs. The report will be released at a Global Summit on Reparations, which will bring together relevant stakeholders. The GIJTR will also develop an online toolkit with resources on reparations including the assessment report and country case studies, webinars on themes presented at the Global Summit, and other reference materials including detailed case studies on reparations programs developed by GIJTR.