PILPG Circle of Former Ambassadors to the UN Human Rights Council Releases Statement in Response to the Human Rights Situation in Nicaragua
October 24, 2022
The Public International Law & Policy Group, an ECOSOC-accredited NGO, convened a Circle of Former Ambassadors to the United Nations Human Rights Council, a group of several former Ambassadors to the Human Rights Council, including two former Presidents of the Council - Ambassador Joachim Rucker (2015) and Ambassador Vojislav Suc (2019).
The Circle strongly condemns the grave human rights violations or abuses, repression of civil society, and democratic opposition in Nicaragua. The Circle notes that since the violent response to anti-government protests in 2018, the government of Nicaragua continues to restrict freedom of expression for journalists and media outlets through threats, physical attacks, arrests, random and spurious financial investigations, arbitrary prosecutions, and forced closures. The Ortega regime has proven its inability to win free and fair elections by continuing to arrest opponents and detaining government critics to remain politically unchallenged. The Circle calls on the international community, the UN Human Rights Council, and the Organization of American States (OAS) members to respond more forcefully and hold persons and entities accountable for the actions that continue to undermine democracy and the rule of law in the country.
The PILPG Circle of Former Ambassadors to the UN Human Rights Council reaffirms its support for the Nicaraguan people and their striving to defend democracy, the rule of law, and the human rights of all Nicaraguans.
Click here to read their statement, which condemns the Ortega regime's actions and expresses concern over the dramatic deterioration of the human rights situation in Nicaragua.
Zorica Marić-Djordjević
Former Ambassador of Montenegro
PILPG Senior Peace Fellow
Joachim Ruecker
Former Ambassador of Germany
Former UN Human Rights Council President
Filloreta Kodra
Former Ambassador of Albania
Keith Harper
Former Ambassador of the United States
Yvette Stevens
Former Ambassador of Sierra Leone
Tudor Ulianovschi
Former Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova
Amanda Ellis
Former Ambassador of New Zealand
Vojislav Suc
Former Ambassador of Slovenia
Former UN Human Rights Council President
Jorge Lomonaco
Former Ambassador of Mexico