PILPG actively contributes to addressing urgent legal and policy challenges through its publication of Rapid Response Analyses. These comprehensive documents, typically spanning 8 to 12 pages, offer clear but in-depth insights and perspectives on the most critical legal and policy issues currently facing the international community. We invite you to explore our repository of PILPG analyses, where you'll find a wealth of knowledge and expert viewpoints on a range of pertinent topics spanning:
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New Release:
In November 2024, the Republic of Somaliland celebrated successful presidential elections, marking a pivotal moment in its over three-decade journey of self-declared independence. These historic elections highlight the resilience of Somaliland's democratic institutions and create an opportunity for meaningful international dialogue on the issue of state recognition.
The Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG), in collaboration with Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, has prepared a Rapid Response Analysis exploring the evolving legal frameworks for state recognition. Our analysis examines the implications of the "Red Sea Deal" signed earlier in 2024—a non-binding memorandum of understanding between Somaliland and Ethiopia—and its alignment with international law.
Click on the image to the left to access the analysis.