PILPG Circle of Former Ambassadors of the UN Human Rights Council Statement in Response to the 53rd Session of the Human Rights Council Panel Discussion on the Ongoing Rohingya Crisis
June 20, 2023
PILPG's Circle of Former Ambassadors has released a Statement in support of the 53rd Session of the Human Rights Council's upcoming "Panel Discussion on the measures necessary to find durable solutions to the Rohingya crisis and to end all forms of human rights violations and abuses against Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar," scheduled for June 21, 2023.
Following decades of discrimination and human rights abuses, Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar, endured a campaign of extreme violence and forced displacement at the hands of the Myanmar military in 2017, causing an estimated 800,000 Rohingya to flee their homes to Bangladesh. Today, approximately 900,000 Rohingya refugees reside in the world's largest refugee camp in the Cox's Bazar region of Bangladesh. At the same time, an estimated 600,000 Rohingya remain in Rakhine State and continue to experience systematic persecution and abuses. PILPG's work with the Rohingya and reports from other actors reflect ongoing and escalating violence and human rights violations in Myanmar, which continue to prevent the voluntary, safe, sustainable, and dignified return of Rohingya to their homes in Rakhine State.
The Circle of Former Ambassadors condemns in the strongest of terms the reported ongoing violence and persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar at the hands of the Myanmar military. It expresses support for the UN Security Council's adoption of resolution 2669 (2022), demanding continuous and comprehensive international assistance for the Rohingya people and the need to address the root causes of the crisis in Rakhine State.
The Circle remains alarmed by the latest cut in the United Nations World Food Program food rations provided to refugees in Bangladesh, which will have a devastating impact on malnutrition, infant mortality, and violence in the camps.
The Circle recognizes the importance of the Human Rights Council’s Panel Discussion to address increasing humanitarian risks and calls all members to show full support for the efforts to seek justice for the Rohingya people at the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and other international and national mechanisms. The Circle affirms the need for the UN members' strong engagement in intensifying the humanitarian and diplomatic efforts between the parties concerned, including regional actions to help solve the Rohingya crisis.
Click here to read their Statement.
Zorica Marić-Djordjević
Former Ambassador of Montenegro
PILPG Senior Peace Fellow
Joachim Ruecker
Former Ambassador of Germany
Former UN Human Rights Council President
Keith Harper
Former Ambassador of the United States
Vojislav Suc
Former Ambassador of Slovenia
Former UN Human Rights Council President
Yvette Stevens
Former Ambassador of Sierra Leone
Filloreta Kodra
Former Ambassador of Albania
Jorge Lomonaco
Former Ambassador of Mexico
Amanda Ellis
Former Ambassador of New Zealand
Tudor Ulianovschi
Former Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova
Francisco Villagrán de León
Former Ambassador of Guatemala
Juan Esteban Aguirre
Former Ambassador of Paraguay
Dr. Iruthisham Adam
Former Ambassador of the Maldives